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1. Cleanser:-You can use triphala as a powerful exfoliator to remove the dead skin and clean your pores. You can use face masks made out of triphala to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin. You can also add coconut oil to triphala to treat dead skin.

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152 Items



₹ 135.00 tax incl.

  • Triphala Powder
  • Triphala Tablet

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Weight 100 gm

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1. Cleanser:-You can use triphala as a powerful exfoliator to remove the dead skin and clean your pores. You can use face masks made out of triphala to hydrate and rejuvenate the skin. You can also add coconut oil to triphala to treat dead skin.

2. Anti-aging:-Triphala is rich in antioxidants and vitamin C that removes acne marks and dark spots from your skin, adding a radiant glow to it.

3. Anti-pigmentation:-Triphala is rich in antioxidants that help smoothen and soften your skin. Additionally, it also kills acne-causing bacteria and avoids the pigmentation caused by sun damage and acne.

4. Dark Circle Reduction: - The book Aushad Darshan, said that if you wash your eyes with triphala water it will benefit your health. It will help the muscles around your eyes to work properly, reducing puffiness and dullness under your eye.

5. Anti-dandruff:-Triphala balances vata and kapha doshas, so it is beneficial for dry and fungus-affected scalp. It moisturizes your scalp, reducing flakiness and the antifungal properties of bibhitaki present in it remove dandruff-causing fungal infections. It also keeps the pH level of your scalp balanced.

6. Anti-microbial:-Traditional medication has used triphala for ages for treating wounds, ulcers and microbial infections. Triphala also has been proven beneficial in treating microorganisms that cause HIV infection.

7. PH Balance of Skin:-Triphala is an alkaline herb so it reduces hyperacidic characteristics from your skin. Hyperacidity is known as amlapitta in Ayurveda and amla present in triphala balances that and keeps the pH of your skin balanced.

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